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Lost in Translation - mis-ordering products

We had been looking for wood-effect ceramic floors. We need 165m2, so the price per square metre makes a huge difference

We'd looked online. In stores. Back online...

And we drove almost an hour to Brico Depot, a discount DIY store, that seemed to have great prices. We loved one particular tile, but of course they were far too heavy to load into the back of our car. Unlike at Leroy Merlin - who order anything you want with you, while you're in the store, Brico Depot ask you to go home and place your online order

At home I excitedly keyed in our order. Only to find that delivery - unlike at Leroy Merlin, which is free for orders over €400, would be over €1,000!!

Suddenly the tiles weren't such good value after all

Bolstered by the free delivery provided by Leroy Merlin, we revisited their site, where I saw a deal I hadn't noticed before

We jumped in the car, to check what the tiles really look like - in real life. And, happy they were what we wanted, we asked the guy in charge of tiles to order us 165m2, expecting them to be about €1,500. Imagine our surprise when he told us they'd be €787 instead

Obviously there was the account holder discount to take into consideration, but still. Half price. That seemed too good to be true. We were delighted

Sat outside, I re-looked at the invoice, convinced we must have missed some little thing or other

As it turned out, the little thing turned out to be quite a big thing

The product description contained a word I hadn't come across before. Rodapie. You might know it better as skirting board

We had ordered. And paid for. 165 linear metres of skirting board. Instead of 165 square metres of flooring


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